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Our Philosophy On Professional Development

“What does good leadership look like?” If you were to pose that question to ten people, you would receive ten different answers with some common themes.  Each answer would draw heavily from the individual’s personal experiences. One person might describe the leadership of their high school coach, another the style of their favorite college professor, […]

The Role of Trust in Building a Team

A conversation with Andrew Dimitruk, Shield AI’s Head of Talent. How important is trust in recruiting and building a team? One word: Essential. What has influenced your opinions of trust? My experience in the military helped to inform my perspective on the value of trust. When an officer is commissioned in the United States military, […]

Inside Shield AI: How We Hire The Best

I love my job because I spend all day seeking out and speaking with amazing people and finding them their dream job at Shield AI. We’re looking to build a truly diverse team, both in terms of our teammates’ backgrounds and levels of experience.  We want talented teammates from a broad variety of backgrounds who […]