On the Use of Simulation in Autonomy
A conversation with Ali Momeni, Senior Principal Scientist and Director of User Services & Experience at Shield AI. This is a continuation of our conversation On Human Computer Interaction. What is simulation being used for at Shield AI? Shield AI, like many in autonomous robotics, is deeply invested in simulation and emulation. Consider simulation as […]
The Role of Trust in User Experience
A conversation with Janet Hwu, Lead User Experience (UX) Designer at Shield AI. What is the role of trust in creating and testing user experience? Trust is of paramount importance to the user experience of our products, and I believe user experience is the primary means by which Shield AI builds trust with our customers. […]
Shield AI Fundamentals: On The Challenges of Autonomy
A conversation with Andrew Reiter, Shield AI’s Co-Founder and Technical Fellow. How is indoor autonomy different than traditional autonomy? What makes indoor autonomy so challenging? When it comes to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), autonomy has traditionally referred to the ability of a plane to fly without needing a pilot (remote or otherwise) at the stick. […]
The Role of Trust in the Evolution of AI
A conversation with Professor Nathan Michael, Shield AI’s Chief Technology Officer. This is a continuation of our conversation on Trust and Artificial Intelligence. How does trust play into the system’s ability to evolve and adapt to what it is learning? I can best respond with an analogy. If you think about a child, as we […]
Trust and Artificial Intelligence
A conversation with Professor Nathan Michael, Shield AI’s Chief Technology Officer. This is a continuation of our conversation of Shield AI Fundamentals: On Multi-Robot Collaboration. How do you think of trust as it pertains to the operation of an AI system? The concept of trust in an AI system is similar to how you trust […]
On Welcoming Investors to the Shield AI Family
As CEO of Shield AI, achieving our mission at scale is the goal with which we begin and end each day. And today I’m humbled and honored to share that Jim Breyer of Breyer Capital will be joining the family of Shield AI investors. Breyer, who ranked first on the Forbes Midas List for three […]
The Role of Trust in Testing
A conversation with Manas Menon, a Product Development Engineer at Shield AI. What role does trust play in the testing process? Why is testing important in building trust? Testing builds confidence that not only do we say something will work, we have shown that it will work, and we’ve shown that again and again in […]
The Role of Trust in Simulation
A conversation with Ali Momeni, Senior Principal Scientist and Director of User Services & Experience at Shield AI. This is a continuation of our conversation On Human Computer Interaction. How does trust factor into what you do with simulation? Trust is what we’re trying to create — the ability for a person to trust that […]
Shield AI Fundamentals: On Human-Computer Interaction
A conversation with Ali Momeni, Senior Principal Scientist and Director of User Services & Experience at Shield AI. Human interaction design – how do you refer to it? The terms that are often used are HCI or CHI for human computer interaction, and HRI for human robot interaction. Which phrasing do you prefer? It really […]
The Role of Trust in Technology
A conversation with Andrew Reiter, Shield AI’s Co-Founder and Technical Fellow. How do you view the role of trust in autonomy? Why is trust so important? The usefulness of autonomous systems only extends as far as people are willing to trust them. A self-driving car is useless if no driver is willing to let go […]