The Role of Trust in Hardware Design

A conversation with Christian Wester, Lead Mechanical Engineer at Shield AI. What is the role of trust in hardware design? First and foremost, we have to trust our teammates. Outcomes are not always what you expect and the way an organization reacts during these moments is telling. Trust requires that when things do not go […]

Shield AI Fundamentals: On Path Planning & Controls

A conversation with Connie Sun, an AI Engineer at Shield AI. What does planning refer to in robotics? Path and trajectory planning in the context of robotics refers to motion planning, or finding a path to reach a predetermined goal while avoiding obstacles and satisfying other constraints. This concept isn’t unique to robotics; people employ […]

Shield AI Fundamentals: On the Evolution of State Estimation

A conversation with Peter Lommel, Senior Principal Engineer and Head of Autonomy at Shield AI. This is a continuation of our 3-part conversation about the fundamentals of state estimation. Before reading on, we recommend reading part 1, Shield AI Fundamen Over your career, what have you witnessed with respect to the evolution of state estimation? […]

Shield AI Fundamentals: On the Challenges of State Estimation

A conversation with Peter Lommel, Senior Principal Engineer and Head of Autonomy at Shield AI. This is a continuation of our conversation of Shield AI Fundamentals: On State Estimation. What makes state estimation challenging? In state estimation we generally have a number of sources of information and our job is to fuse them together into […]

Shield AI Fundamentals: On State Estimation

A conversation with Peter Lommel, Senior Principal Engineer and Head of Autonomy at Shield AI. What is state estimation? In robotics, state refers to the condition of the robot. The most common conditions we are concerned with are location, velocity, and orientation, but there are many other conditions that could be included in the description […]

On Pushing the Boundaries of What’s Possible in Simulation

A conversation with Ali Momeni, Senior Principal Scientist and Director of User Services & Experience at Shield AI. This is a continuation of our conversation On the Use of Simulation in Autonomy. How do you push the boundaries of simulation in terms of what is possible visually? We learn a lot from the game industry. […]

On the Use of Simulation in Autonomy

A conversation with Ali Momeni, Senior Principal Scientist and Director of User Services & Experience at Shield AI. This is a continuation of our conversation On Human Computer Interaction. What is simulation being used for at Shield AI? Shield AI, like many in autonomous robotics, is deeply invested in simulation and emulation. Consider simulation as […]

Shield AI Fundamentals: On The Challenges of Autonomy

A conversation with Andrew Reiter, Shield AI’s Co-Founder and Technical Fellow. How is indoor autonomy different than traditional autonomy? What makes indoor autonomy so challenging? When it comes to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), autonomy has traditionally referred to the ability of a plane to fly without needing a pilot (remote or otherwise) at the stick. […]

The Role of Trust in the Evolution of AI

A conversation with Professor Nathan Michael, Shield AI’s Chief Technology Officer. This is a continuation of our conversation on Trust and Artificial Intelligence. How does trust play into the system’s ability to evolve and adapt to what it is learning? I can best respond with an analogy. If you think about a child, as we […]

Trust and Artificial Intelligence

A conversation with Professor Nathan Michael, Shield AI’s Chief Technology Officer. This is a continuation of our conversation of Shield AI Fundamentals: On Multi-Robot Collaboration. How do you think of trust as it pertains to the operation of an AI system? The concept of trust in an AI system is similar to how you trust […]