Inside Hardware: Visiting a Manufacturer
A conversation with Mitch White, a Hardware Engineer at Shield AI. You were the lead on designing the battery charger that comes with Nova. Where did you start with this design? At Shield AI we’re fortunate enough to maintain ongoing open dialogues with our customers and to have colleagues who have been in our customers […]
Shield AI Fundamentals: On Progress in Swarming
A conversation with Professor Nathan Michael, Shield AI’s Chief Technology Officer. This is a continuation of our conversation of Shield AI Fundamentals: On Multi-Robot Collaboration. Is the idea of swarming decades away? How do you answer the question of when swarming will be possible in the real world? There are different levels of what is […]
The Role of Trust at Shield AI
A conversation with Ryan Tseng, Shield AI’s Co-Founder and CEO. Tell us a little bit about the formation of Shield AI & the mission. How did trust factor into the underlying idea of creating the company? Trust was a huge component of what inspired Brandon to want to start Shield AI. His experiences in the […]
Shield AI Fundamentals: On Reinforcement Learning
A conversation with Evan Gravelle, an AI Engineer at Shield AI. What is reinforcement learning? Reinforcement learning (RL) is a branch of machine learning concerned with the process of learning by trying things, receiving a positive or negative reward (feedback), and then modifying behavior to try and maximize cumulative expected reward. Many forms of life […]
Inside Hardware: Designing a New Component
A conversation with Connor Kite, a Hardware Engineer at Shield AI. How do you begin brainstorming the design of a new hardware component? We start off with asking the question: What is the user experience that we want for this component? A lot of these are user-facing elements — latches, buttons, and any other things […]
Shield AI Fundamentals: On Multi-Robot Collaboration
A conversation with Professor Nathan Michael, Shield AI’s Chief Technology Officer. We’ve heard many terms referring to collaboration between robotic systems, can you elaborate on which terms exist and what each mean? There’s collaboration, coordination, teaming and swarming. Collaboration is when systems work together in order to achieve some common goal — working together to […]
Shield AI Fundamentals: Developing an Android App for AI
Android is an open-source, mobile operating system first announced by Google in 2007. Today, it enjoys 70-plus percent global market share, with more than three million Android apps available on the Google Play Store. Continued advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence also have introduced new user interaction patterns and new user behavior, influencing how […]
Why Shield AI: A Focus on Teamwork
“Be diligent in everything you do” and “Strive for a life of impact” — These two statements have been instrumental in framing my life’s goals. With this framework as a lens, my journey has led me to be a part of many impactful teams, including, today, at Shield AI. Serving a higher purpose has always […]
On Machine Intelligence at Shield AI
What did you do before coming to Shield AI? Before coming to Shield AI, I was an electrical engineer and programmer for the Unmanned Systems group at SPAWAR Systems Center, Pacific. Throughout my eleven years at SPAWAR, I worked on a variety of projects, including electrical design for ground vehicle payloads, command and control user […]
Why Shield AI: Meaningful Work with Significant Application
Last summer, between my first and second year of business school, I did a 10-week internship at Shield AI. The internship was challenging. I worked 12 to 16 hours every day (sometimes on weekends) and earned less than my MBA peers who spent their summer in large corporate environments. I had significant responsibility, however, and […]