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Why Shield AI: Values that Motivate

When I first interviewed at Shield AI, I sensed an energy rooted in a passion for the mission from everyone I met. To this day, I feel that same excitement and sense of focused purpose daily. I come to work excited to continue learning, to develop even stronger friendships, and to make a real difference.

Everyday at Shield AI, the arrival of the day’s end surprises me. Time passes quickly here. The following are a few of my favorite reasons why I love working here.

Mission & Values that Motivate:

We weave Shield AI’s mission, to protect service members and innocent civilians with artificially intelligent systems, into everything that we do. For every design decision, for every interview of a potential team member we conduct, everyone thinks first and foremost about our mission and how to accomplish it the right way.

Opportunities to Grow & Learn:

In such a short period of time, I learnt so much about how to be a better engineer — and a better person. My colleagues constantly push me to grow and improve. As a result, I have learnt so much about adaptive controls and optimization techniques, better coding practices and effective tools, and how to work more effectively as a teammate.

My teammates also helped me dare to tackle new adventures, the latest of which is hip-hop dance! That is definitely not something I would’ve had the courage to try alone, but now I’ve not only tried it, I’ve built some awesome friendships along the way (unless they post the first session’s video to YouTube, that is).

State-of-the-art Technology:

I work on the cutting edge of a whole variety of technologies, from high-level autonomous decision-making to modeling and working with low-level motor commands. I interact with our Chief Scientific Officer Nathan Michael, a CMU robotics professor and thought-leader on autonomous systems, just about every day, and I constantly review the latest literature to see what could push us forward even further.  Some days I work out mathematical proofs on stability, while other days I design experiments to help evaluate our overall system reliability as we prepare to deliver our next product.

Want To Learn More?

Get in touch with the Shield AI team today.